Toploader vs Frontloader

February 21, 2019

Toploaders and Frontloaders both have their place and in my experience, people feel very strongly about whichever side they are on.

Toploader Advantages

Ability to soak

Toploader Disadvantages

Drum moves back and forth, wearing out the belt. If you have a toploader, do not overload it and it will last longer.

Pregnant ladies cannot reach the bottom (I will have to move the laundry for a few months soon!)

Water Consumption - A Speed Queen Toploader (what I use) utilizes 28.07 gal/cycle. A Speed Queen Frontloader uses 13.68 gal/cycle. So a toploader uses essentially twice as much water.

Frontloader Advantages

Better agitation, although sometimes worse depending on the model. They make these machines really weak these days under the guise of eco friendliness so do your research on a particular model before buying.

Frontloader Disadvantages

If you want to soak something, you have to use a separate bath.

Cost - They are generally more expensive

In the laundromat, the front loader is the winner 100% of the time. They agitate the clothes better and they break less often. At home, the math is a little different and it really comes down to personal preference. I use a Speed Queen toploader and dryer I got from work about 8 years ago. They have been good to me so I highly recommend, but the prices these days are insane. Whichever washer you prefer, it will still wash the clothes and that is what really matters.